2025: Año 22
Comunicación y Sociedad is a journal specialized in the area of social communication and its objective is to reach researchers and students in the field. It aims to be a journal of disseminating research advances and results, as well as related theories and methodologies, and current debates in the area.   Comunicación y Sociedad publishes high-level articles that are the product of national and international research and that update the reader on issues and debates that are part of the concerns in the field of social communication.
Media and political engagement
Media and political engagement
Collaborative knowledge practices and social movements: free and citizen technologies and media for the production of common goods.
Collaborative knowledge practices and social movements: free and citizen technologies and media for the production of common goods.
Social Representations, Audiences and Consumption in Television Fiction
Social Representations, Audiences and Consumption in Television Fiction
Histories of Communication Studies in the Americas
Histories of Communication Studies in the Americas
Audiences at the center of media strategy
Audiences at the center of media strategy
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José Juan Verón Lassa, Santiago Tejedor, Fernanda Tusa
Victoria Mora de la Torre, Antonio Díaz-Lucena
Sara Pereira, Daniel Brandão, Mariana Menezes Neumann, Marisa Mourão
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